Praise of God

Most importantly, my growth in all areas of life would mean nothing if it was not for the kingdom of God

The reminder of the relationship between God and his son guides our lives as we recognize the power of God’s love for us.

What is an Individual?

This difficult but important question was asked to me as soon as I got on campus. My answer, being that an individual is nothing without the purposes of God and influences of others help point to how I continue to use communication to help embody God’s plan for my life.

“God Establishes David as King.”

Through my studies and papers on the book of Samuel, I discovered the many ways God works and I saw that He has a plan for my life as well.

Through the book of Esther we see how God’s plans and purposes for our lives are greater than our circumstances. Even in the midst of challenges, we have the opportunity to be part of His will and the story He is writing in our lives.