Welcome to JD Van Hook's Senior Portfolio

Philippians 1:9-11

“9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”

Hi, I’m JD Van Hook, and I’m excited to share my Senior Portfolio—a reflection of my journey at Wheaton College and the ways I have grown both personally and academically. This portfolio tells the story of who I am and who I have become through my education, experiences, and relationships.

Throughout my time at Wheaton, I have encountered both triumphs and challenges, each shaping my character and deepening my understanding of my calling. This portfolio serves as a testament to my development as a communicative leader—one who seeks to create better environments for others. Through friendships, baseball, and academic pursuits, I have learned more about my own character and, more importantly, who God has made me to be.

A guiding verse during my time at Wheaton has been Philippians 1:9-11, which speaks of love abounding in knowledge and discernment, leading to a life that reflects the glory and praise of God. The themes of this passage will serve as a foundation for showcasing my growth and the ways I have been shaped for the future.

Senior Essays

Liberal Arts

Vocational Calling

Comm Practices

My Courses

Freshman Year

MATH 131, CORE 101, MUMS 115, ENGW 103, AHS 101, BITH 211, COMM 201, MATH 231, MUCS 101

Sophomore Year

COMM 221, ECON 211, SPAN 101, PHIL 103, ECON 212, SPAN 102, BITH 331, HIST 103


Junior Year

SPAN 201, ECON 325, BITH 315, COMM 261, BITH 213, COMM 301, ECON 362, COMM 362, COMM 496, ECON 380, ECON 301

Senior Year

MUIP 122, GEOL 212, ANTH 116, COMM 311, COMM 424, COMM 494, CORE 312, COMM 171

My LinkedIn

My Resume